Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Third week of class tonight! 

My friend Sara was in town from LA and came out to Asheville Gymnastics for the Aerial Arts Conditioning class! She rocked out hard on the parallel bars, stretching for those splits and climbed the silks a seriously impressive distance! Especially given that it was her first time on the aerial fabrics :D

Nalda has also been doing a really phenomenal job of coming to class every week since we first started! She has made so much progress just in the last three weeks and I couldn't be more proud. She makes such amazing improvements every class, little and big, with both her strength and confidence.

A few of my favorite quotes from tonight...

"I feel like a sexy bad ass!" -Nalda

"I made it!!!" -Sara

"I felt so empowered when I climbed that! Like I can do anything!" -Sara

"My arms are like jelly, and I love it!" -Nalda

Hoping to see some new faces out next week :)

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