Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aircat Aerials: A Tango On Air

Note the beauty, the tender yet powerful movement and particularly, how not every move is perfect, the silks get caught on her foot! 

We all need practice, but first you have to start somewhere...

Come out and train tonight at 8:30pm at Asheville gymnastics at 50 Coxe Ave!!

The class is only as hard as you want it to be. It is a nonjudgmental, safe space to explore your body's limitations. It is a gathering of a community that is supportive of each others goals. It is a chance to try what might be a new interest, maybe exercise has been on your list of to-dos but can't figure out where to start, or maybe aerial arts have been an aspiration but you feel too intimidated?

We hope to see you tonight!

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