Monday, November 26, 2012

The last Monday of November has arrived!

Sunshine glazes the day with a deceiving warmth in the midst of winter, but the crisp air nips inside our lungs.

Natural beauty.

It's going to be a great week ya'll! I can feel it.

It's like a new power is about to be gained, a goal closer to being accomplished, a trick learned, a soul inspired :)

I know I'm about to begin a new adventure into a lifestyle of positivity and wellness, fitness of mind and body, and all around training!! Join me in the adventure, and face your own physical challenge by trying something that may be intimidating, perhaps out of your comfort zone (by a long shot?!) and who knows, maybe you'll discover the empowering grace of movement or the joy of strength.

Check out our aerial conditioning class tomorrow night at 8:30 at the Asheville Gymnastics gym at 50 Coxe Ave! Your first time is on us!

Hope to see you there :)

Email or text/call 425-691-0291

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